Update History

Feb 9th, 2021

Marked "search/contentsholder/labels.list" as deprecated

Marked "contentsholder/labels.list" as deprecated

Dec 23th, 2020

Added "tags" attribute to "search contentsholder post" object

Added "tags" attribute to "contentsholder post" object

Apr 1st, 2020

Rate Limit.

Mar 2th, 2020

Added "unit_ids" to arguments of "search/contentsholder/postEvents.list" API

Added "labels" attribute to "search contentsholder postEvents" object

Added "auto_labels" attribute to "search contentsholder postEvents" object

Jan 31th, 2019

Scheduled to delete “offset” from the argument of “search/contentsholder/postEvents.list“ API

Dec 25th, 2018

Deleted “offset” from the argument of “contentsholder/labels.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “curator/curations.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “curator/tags.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “contentsholder/posts.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “contentsholder/labels.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “contentsholder/series.list“ API

Deleted “total” from the response of “contentsholder/topics.list“ API

Jan 11th, 2018

Added “search/contentsholder/postEvents.list API”

Dec 7th, 2017

Deleted “contentsholder/tags.list” API

Deleted “contentsholder/tags.info” API

Deleted “contentsholder tag” object

Deleted “tag_id” from the argument of “contentsholder" API and “search/contentsholder” API

Deleted “tag_ids” from the argument of “contentsholder" API and “search/contentsholder” API

Deleted “tag” from the responses of “contentsholder" API and “search/contentsholder” API

Deleted “invalid_tag_id” error code “contentsholder" API and “search/contentsholder” API

Deleted “tag_not_found” error code from “contentsholder" API and “search/contentsholder” API

Deleted “tags/id” from objects of “contentsholder” API and “search/contentsholder”API

Deleted “tags/name” from objects of “contentsholder” API and “search/contentsholder”API

Nov 29th, 2017

Added the following to “curator curation” object

Nov 20th, 2017

Set “unit_id” argument as required in “contentsholder/labels.list” API

Added “search/contentsholder/labels.list” API

Added “search/contentsholder/label” object

Nov 6th, 2017

Added “title” syntax to “query” argument of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

"Sep 14th, 2017

Added “contentsholder/labels.list” API

Added “labels” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.create” API

Added “labels” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.update” API

Added “labels” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “labels” to response of “contentsholder/posts” API family

Set “contentsholder/tags.list” API as deprecated

Set "contentsholder/tags.info" API as deprecated

Deleted “contentsholder/tags.create” API

Deleted “contentsholder/tags.update” API

Deleted “contentsholder/tags.delete” API

Added “contentsholder/labels.list” API

Added “labels” attribute to “contentsholder/post” object

Added “contentsholder/label” object

Added “label” syntax to “query” argument of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “labels” to response of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “labels” attribute to “search contentsholder post” object

Jul 25th, 2017

Deleted “Markdown Syntax for Article Text” section and created “Markdown Reference” document separately

Oct 26th, 2016

Deleted “layout” from “contentsholder/post” object

Deleted “layout” from the arguments of the APIs

Oct 21st, 2016

Added “content/published_at” to “curator curation” object in the responses of the APIs

Oct 5th, 2016

Changed maximum file size for “contentsholder/images.upload” API

Changed maximum value of “offset” argument for “search/contentsholder/posts.list”

Aug 17th, 2016

Set maximum value for “offset” argument of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added ”has:image” syntax to “query” argument of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Jul 16th, 2016

Added ”layout” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.create” API

Added ”invalid_layout” error code to “contentsholder/posts.create” API

Added ”layout” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.update” API

Added ”invalid_layout” error code to “contentsholder/posts.update” API

Added ”layout” attribute to “contentsholder/post” object

Added ”content/delete” to response of “curator unit” APIs (check)

Jul 7th, 2016

Added “invalid_query” error code to “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Deleted the following error codes from “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API:
invalid_unit_id unit_not_found invalid_tag_id tag_not_found invalid_series_id series_not_found invalid_topic_id topic_not_found invalid_published_at_from invalid_published_at_to

Jun 13th, 2016

Deleted ”cover_image” attribute from ”curator unit” object in the API response

Added ”query” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Deleted the following from the arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API:
unit_id tag_id series_id opic_id published_at_from published_at_to

Jun 8th, 2016

Added ”source_url” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.create” API

Added ”invalid_source_url” error code to “contentsholder/posts.create” API

Added ”source_url” to arguments of “contentsholder/posts.update” API

Added ”invalid_source_url” error code to “contentsholder/posts.update” API

Added ”source_url” attribute to response of “contentsholder/posts” API family

Apr 15th, 2016

Added “topic_id” to the arguments of “contentsholder/posts” API family

Added “invalid_topic_id” error code to “contentsholder/posts” API family

Added “topic_not_found” error code to “contentsholder/posts” API family

Added “caption” attribute to response of “contentsholder/posts” API family

Changed “exclude_not_published” into “published” in the arguments of “contentsholder/posts.list” API

Changed “exclude_expired” into “expired” in the arguments of “contentsholder/posts.list” API

Changed “invalid_exclude_not_published” error code into “invalid_published” in “contentsholder/posts.list” API

Changed “exclude_expired” into “invalid_expired in the errors of “contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “tags” attribute to “contentsholder/posts” object

Added “description” attribute to “contentsholder/posts” object

Added “topic” attribute to “contentsholder/posts” object

Deleted “posts_exist” error code from “contentsholder/tags.delete” API

Added “contentsholder/topics” API family

Added “contentsholder/topic” object

“Changed “temporary” status into “draft” in “curator/curations” API family

Added “published_at” attribute to “curator/curations” object

Added “url_curation” attribute to “curator/curations” object

Added “site_name” attribute to “curator/curations” object

Added “published” to the arguments of “curator/curations.list” API

Added “invalid_published” error code to “curator/curations.list” API

Added “published” to arguments of “curator/curations.create” API

Added “invalid_published” error code to “curator/curations.create” API

Added “published” to arguments of “curator/curations.update” API

Added “invalid_published” error code to “curator/curations.update” API

Deleted ”curations_exist” error code from “curator/tags.delete” API

Added “search/contentsholder/units.list” API

Added “search/contentsholder/units” object

Added “series_id” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “topic_id” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “published_at_from” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “published_at_to” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “sort” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “direction” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “caption” attribute to response of “search/contentsholder/posts.list” API

Added “tags” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts” object

Added “unit” to arguments of “search/contentsholder/posts” object

Oct 26th, 2015

Deleted “profile_image” attribute from response of “contentsholder/units.info” API

Deleted “is_main" attribute from “image” object in API response

Oct 12th, 2015

Added “no_file” error code to “contentsholder/images.update” API

Oct 8th, 2015

API version 1.0