
Retrieves a list of Stories across all Content Owner Media Units


GET /v1.0/search/contentsholder/posts.list


Argument Required Default Value Example Description
query Optional Null 12345678912345 Filter Stories by keywords. The query syntax section below describes the special syntax supported by the system and how to use them.
offset Optional 0 0 Defines the start position for retrieving items. Use a number between 0 to 1000 for this argument.
limit Optional 10 10 The argument indicates the maximum number of items to retrieve. Use a number between 1 to 100 for this argument.
sort Optional published_at published_at Describes the sorting key. To sort by the date the Story was created use the value “created_at”. To sort by the publishing date, use the value ”published_at”.
direction Optional desc desc Sort order.
asc: ascending order.
desc : descending order."

query syntax

The system supports the syntax described below:

Syntax Description
Tokyo Olympic Filter Stories by keywords. Stories containing “Tokyo” AND “Olympic” are retrieved. Use blank space to separate two or more keywords.
"one piece" Filter Stories by exact phrase using quotes. Stories containing the phrase “one piece” are retrieved.
Tokyo Olympic OR Olympic The OR syntax will retrieve Stories that satisfy whichever condition. Stories containing the words “Tokyo” AND “Olympic” OR “Olympic” are retrieved.
election –president The NOT (-) syntax will include Stories containing the word(s) before the minus and exclude Stories containing the word(s) after the minus. Stories that include the word “election” but exclude the word “president” are retrieved.
(Tokyo Olympic) OR (election –president) Group search filters using brackets. Stories containing the words “Tokyo” and “Olympic” OR “election” but exclude the word “president” are retrieved.
unit_id:111111111111111111 Filter Stories by ID value specified in “contentsholder unit”.
tag:olympic Filter Stories by value specified in tag.
label:Olympic Deprecated. Filter Stories by value specified in label.
series_id:333333333333333333 Filter Stories by ID value specified in series.
topic_id:444444444444444444 Filter Stories by ID value specified in the topic.
author_id:555555555555555555 Filter Stories by ID value specified in the author.
published_at:>=2016-01-01T00:00:00+09:00 Filter Stories by published date and time. You can use the following operators: >, < , >= and <=.
created_at:<=2016-01-01T00:00:00+09:00 Filter Stories by created date and time. You can use the following operators: >, < , >=, and <=.
has:image Filter Stories by image.
has:author Filter Stories by author.
title:Olympic Filter Stories by value specified in title.

Important notes:

When you specify a value in the unit_id, series_id, topic_id query arguments, you can filter the Stories by the "contentowner unit", series or topic associated with the Stories. To obtain the values of unit_id, series_id and topic_id, please refer to the CMS.


    "ok": true,
    "posts": [
            "id": "0123456",
            "url": "",
            "title": "Counting down to sakura blooming",
            "subtitle": "Blooming forecasted this weekend",
            "status": "public",
            "description": "Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing edit,
            sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt  ut labore ...",
            "published_at": "2015-12-10T20:09:31+00:00",
            "expired_at": "2016-11-10T20:09:31+00:00",
            "created_at": "2015-11-10T20:09:31+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2015-12-25T18:58:10+00:00",
            "cover_image": null,
            "images": [
                    "id": "2345678",
                    "url": "",
                    "thumb_360": "",
                    "caption": "The buds of sakura will bloom soon."
            "labels": [
                    "name": "weather",
                    "count": 4
            "tags": [
            "series": null,
            "topic": null,
            "authors": [
                    "id": "0012345",
                    "name": "yamada",
                    "job_title": "writer",
                    "about": "Veteran of cherry blossom forecasting forecast.",
                    "profile_image": {
                        "url": "",
                        "thumb_360": ""
            "unit": {
                "id": "1234567",
                "name": "The Nordot Post",
                "status": "public",
                "signature_color": "0123456",
                "header_type": "border",
                "header_position": "center",
                "copyright_owner": "Nordot Inc.",
                "default_post_expire_days": 365,
                "created_at": "2015-11-17T01:54:20+00:00",
                "updated_at": "2018-03-04T23:51:02+00:00",
                  "url": "",
                  "url_w": 400,
                  "url": "",
                  "square_200": ""
                  "id": "0012345",
                  "name": "The Nordot Post Inc.",
                  "created_at": "2015-11-17T01:52:24+00:00",
                "language": "",
                "timezone": ""
    "paging": {
      "count": 10,
      "offset": 0,
      "limit": 10,
      "total": 517243,
      "has_next": true,
      "next_cursor": "WzE0NDc0MDYxNzE0NjQsNTkyNTE0NjUwMzcwNDU0Nl0="

The total is "10000" if there are more than 10000 records.


Error Code Description
invalid_query Value passed for “query” is invalid.
invalid_offset Value passed for “offset" is invalid.
invalid_limit Value passed for “limit" is invalid.
invalid_sort Value passed for “sort" is invalid.
invalid_direction Value passed for “direction" is invalid.

For other error codes, refer to the Common Errors section of this document.