“search contentsholder unit” object

A “search contentsholder unit” object contains Content Owner Media Unit information of a “search contentsholder unit”

    "id": "0123456",
    "name": "Nordot Post",
    "status": "public",
    "created_at": "2015-11-10T20:09:31+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2015-12-25T18:58:10+00:00",
    "header_image": {
        "url": "https://img.nordot.jp/ch/units/0123456/header_31.png",
        "thumb_360": "https://img.nordot.jp/t_thumb_360/ch/units/0123456/header_31.png"
Key name Data Type In List API Description
id string Y ID of a Content Owner Media Unit(s)
name string Y Name of a Content Owner Media Unit(s)
status string Y Status of the Story. Set to public only.
created_at string Y Date and time topic was created. Please note this is not the same as the date and time the first Story associated with the topic was created.
updated_at string Y Date and time topic was last updated. Please note this is not the same as the date and time the first Story associated with the topic was updated.
header_image/url string Y URL of header image displayed in “this.kiji.is”.
header_image/thumb_360 string Y URL of thumbnail for header image, displayed in “this.kiji.is”.